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Portal Académico

Academic Portal

Portal Académico > EN > Students > Calendars


The academic calendar is set annually by a Rectoral dispatch, and establishes, for each academic year, the time periods corresponding to activities related to the development of the study cycles.
Each Institute/School defines the academic calendar for their study cycles, including the exams calendar in compliance with the deadlines set in the academic calendar.

Academic Calendars

School/Institute  Calendars

School of Architecture (BVArtsBPDesignIMArchMProdDesignServ)
School of  Arts and Humanities (Bachelor Degrees,  Master Degrees, Doctor Degrees)
School of Economics and Management (Bachelor Degrees | Master Degrees I Doctor Degrees)
School of Engineering (Bachelor and Integrated Master Degrees)
School of Nursing (Bachelor Degree)
School of Psychology (Bachelor Degree | Master Degrees I Doctor Degrees)
School of Sciences (Bachelor Degrees, Masters Degrees, Doctor Degrees)
Institute of Education (Bachelor Degrees, Masters Degrees)
Institute of Social Sciences (Bachelor Degrees, Masters Degrees)
UMinho Electives​ - 1st semester, 28 January 2025 (18.00-20.00) | 2nd semester, 17 June 2025 (18.00-20.00) | Special Examination, 21 July 2025 (18.00-20.00)