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Erasmus+ Traineeship
Portal Académico > EN > Students > Mobility Programs > Erasmus+ Traineeship

Important Information:

​The Erasmus+ Programme Guide defines a traineeship as follows: 

  • "Traineeship (work placement): time spent in an enterprise or organisation in another country, with a view to acquiring specific competences that are needed by the labour market, gaining work experience and acquiring more understanding of the economic and social culture of that country."
Accordingly, an Erasmus+ Traineeship should consist of a professional traineeship and result in a work experience for the student, developed in a real work context. Thus, students or recent graduates of the University of Minho can, briefly, "…carry out a traineeship in an enterprise, a research institute, a laboratory, an organisation or any other relevant workplace abroad….". 

In this context, we advise you to read carefully and attentively the information below, on this page.

Also, we draw your attention to the fact that students, interested in applying for "Erasmus+ Traineeships" must submit/send their complete application to the International Relations Office (IRO), with a minimum period of 3 (three) months in advance of the traineeship start date.

The scholarships are awarded to the candidates by order of submission/completion of the application to the International Relations Office (presenting the Letter of Acceptance and the Learning Agreement for Traineeships, with the indication of the exact dates of beginnig and end of the traineeship, is mandatory). If the mobility lasts for more than the number of months funded by Project, the additional period will be considered as zero-grant. In later stages, and in the event of remaining funds, the opportunity of receiving a complement can occur, but only during the exchange period. 

(information updated on 07/01/2025)

Erasmus+ Traineeships

Who can apply?
What types of internship can I undertake?
To which countries can I go and which institutions can I choose?
How can I find a traineeship? 
How long can the traineeship last for?
How will my traineeship be academically recognised abroad?
How are non-academically recognised traineeships certified?
To take part in this programme, do I have to be enrolled at the University of Minh​o?
Where and when can I apply?
Before you formalize your application, you should express your interest to participate by filling out the pre-application form available at (Portuguese) or (English). The complete application must be presented to the International Relations Office, a minimum of 3 (three) months in advance of the traineeship start date. We emphasize, however, that the scholarship award depends on the availability of funding at the time of its confirmation, so the sooner you formalize the application, the greater the likelihood of funding. In the case of short-term internships for 3rd cycle (PhD) students, the application must be submitted until 31/05/2025.
Which are the application documents?
How is the work programme to be performed in the host organisation defined?
Should I study a foreign language before going abroad? ​
Will I have any language support during the mobility programme?
Where am I assessed?
Where will I live and who takes care of accommodation?
Who will take care of my trip? Do I need a VISA?
Are there any compulsory procedures before going abroad?
What should I do if I am ill abroad?
What about scholarships?
How much are the “Erasmus+ Mobility Scholarships”?
Can I receive an “Erasmus+ Mobility Scholarship” if I am already the beneficiary of another scholarship?
What if I am not eligible for an “Erasmus+ Mobility Scholarship”? Do I have to give up?
As a social services scholarship beneficiary, am I entitled to additional financial support?
Is there any additional financial support for students with financial difficulties and for disabled students?
If I do not like it there, can I return? What are the consequences?
I was already an Erasmus+ Exchange Student. Can I apply again?
Is this activity recognised in the Diploma Supplement?