The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is a European mobility project for young people under the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme, which gives them the opportunity to travel and live abroad while contributing with their time and energy to supporting local projects and communities. This project provides an intercultural experience of non-formal learning and aims to help young people to develop social skills as well as important skills for employability.
In 2016, the University of Minho was the first Portuguese Higher Education Institution to be accredited to coordinate EVS projects and to receive and send volunteers.
Who can participate (institutions):
There are three main roles that organisations participating in EVS projects can play:
- Sending Organisation (SO) - Prepares and sends the volunteer abroad.
- Host Organisation (HO) - Receives the volunteer and organizes the EVS activity.
- Coordinating Organisation (CO) - Responsible for applying for funding on behalf of all partners and coordinating project implementation.
All partners involved in an EVS project must be previously accredited by the ERASMUS + National Agency. Accreditation is a pre-requisite for participation in any EVS project. The same organisation can act as HO and CO or CO and SO, as long as it has accreditation for all three roles.
The program is open to organisations established in a program country or in an EU partner country. A mobility activity it is transnational and involves at least two participating organisations (SOs and HOs) from different countries.
Who can participate (volunteers):
The program is open to all young people between the ages of 17 and 30 residing in the country of their sending organisation, regardless of their social, cultural, educational or economic background.
Duration of the activity:
- From 2 to 12 months for long term projects.
- From 2 weeks to 2 months for short-term projects involving young people with fewer opportunities.
- From 2 weeks to 12 months for EVS group projects involving between 10 and 30 volunteers.
Selection of candidates:
The sending organisation presents several candidates, based on a certain profile, and the final selection is made by the host organisation.
EVS has a non-profit nature. EVS should be free of charge for volunteers and therefore the host organisation must guarantee accommodation, food and local transportation to all participants.
In terms of funding, the following support is foreseen for the volunteers:
- Travel - Contribution to participants' travel expenses.
- Individual support - "pocket money" for personal expenses of the volunteer. Value defined based on length of stay per participant and according to the country where mobility takes place.
- Language support
- Support for special needs, if applicable (companions, people with disabilities).
- Exceptional costs, if applicable (visa-related costs, participation of young people with fewer opportunities, increased costs of young people from the outermost regions).
Approved projects:
The project "UMvoluntariis - Volunteer Initiatives in Higher Education" was approved in 2017 by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
In the context of this project, Universidade do Minho is receiving three volunteers, between September and October 2018, to develop volunteer activities under the Peer Tutoring Project and in the framework of initiatives organised by the Resource Center for Cooperation and Development (CRCD).
Diana: "EVS left me confident and motivated to pursue what I'm passionate about. As a polyglot and a writer, it was a chance to network with other creators and evolve as a researcher and a cultural mediator. It taught me Portuguese and immersed me in the local culture. It made me a part of Braga and of wonderful UMinho. It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I truly flourish in international environments. This project allowed me to become familiar with research in the field of psychology. I learned to be meticulous, efficient and to use feedback to perfect my work. I became acquainted with the Portuguese language, translated from it and thus contributed to making the Tutoring and Mentoring program more accessible to internationals. Overall, the experience left me better prepared in my field, more confident and more competent. I don't see any reason against undergoing such an experience. The positive impact and the general sense of well-being experienced are nearly impossible to word adequately without lessening their incredible effect. Such programs help not only the volunteer, but also their target group, in my case the freshmen of UMinho. It's intensely satisfying work that can give anyone a strong sense of purpose."
Danilo: "The experience lived by me on behalf of Universidade do Minho, in Braga, was my first EVS. Certainly, this EVS opportunity was significant for the following reasons: it allowed me to be integrated within the Portuguese social and academic contexts, and in particular the Bracarense one while knowing the local customs, uses and traditions. On the other hand, this EVS experience gave me the possibility of meeting and working with persons, willing to help me in order to do my different tasks.In addition, I met new Portuguese friends and they were so kind while sharing some social moments with me during those days spent in Braga. In my point of view, this EVS experience was relevant because it gave me the opportunity of reinforcing my soft-skills. On the other hand, I was given the possibility of getting involved as concerns the fields of development and cooperation, thanks to the Resource Centre for Cooperation and Development, while looking for potential partners as well as new open calls for successful proposals in support of those African countries, which in turn are members of the so-called Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), and in respect of the SDGs included in the UN Agenda 2030. To those who never participated in a volunteering experience, I suggest them to do an EVS for the following reasons: it allows you to know another culture, to be part of the society of the hosting country, to meet new friends, to live other horizons and unforgettable adventures, to experience something that will make you feel so regenerated. Don' t hesitate! What are you waiting for? Are you ready? Are your bagages ready too? Go!"
Marina: "Volunteering at University of Minho was a great experience. It helped to discover such a nice city and people. It meant mostly a pivoting point in my life to help me decide what to do next. It helped me to develop my personal and professional skills and to feel more confident with them. In addition, after the EVS I had a better idea of what I wanted to do professionally. It also encouraged me to become more actively involved in my community. Helping others is one of the most satisfying experiences, and usually reports much more than you give. I encourage everybody to get involved in these kind of projects. Choose a project that really motivates you and learn and experience as much as you can so you can make a difference when you return home."
2. The volunteers Diana and Danilo participated in the welcoming activity organized for the exchange students that will undertake a mobility period during the 1st semester/academic year 2018/2019.

3. Project Dissemination Activities
- Presentation about Mobility Opportunities offered by UMinho
- Orientation Programme 2018/2019