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Portal Académico > EN > Incoming students > Accommodation


​​​Considering the limited number of rooms available for exchange students at the Residences and the first-come first-served basis for the assignment, it is advisable to submit your Application for Accommodation as soon as possible. Application for Accommodation is one of the steps (even though it is not mandatory) to complete during the online application process.
It is important to highlight that once the roo​​m is allocated at the Residence and accepted, you should spend all your study period there. You will be requested to sign an Accommodation Contract. If you decide to leave the Reside​nce before the end of your contract you will have to pay for the total period agreed beforehand.
Both in Braga and in Guimarães Residences, currently, there are only double rooms available for exchange students. A double room costs €124 per month, per person, plus extra electricity spent*. These amounts can be updated at the beginning of each academic year.
Please be aware that you are obliged to pay for the whole month despite the number of real occupation days.
* The electricity costs included in the monthly rent vary in accordance with room type and occupation semester. In case you spend more than which it is expected, you will have to pay the surplus. 

First and final month rents are to be paid on arrival in advance. 
Please leave the room neat and tidy when moving out, the way you found it on arrival.
If you prefer to rent a private room or apartment we will try to help you. We would like to call your attention to the fact that we do not look for private accommodation, but we can try to offer some assistance once you are at the University of Minho.
To look for private accommodation, we strongly advise you to arrive at least one week prior to the beginning of your study period (please pay attention to the UMinho academic calendar).