The Key Action 171 of the Erasmus + Program allows a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in a partner country to send or host students, teaching and non-teaching staff to perform a study period, a teaching or training mission to an HEI in a Program country.
JAMIES is the result of a partnership between Universidade do Minho (Coordinator), Universidade do Algarve, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidade do Porto and Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro and allows the 5 Higher Portuguese Institutions to receive/send students, teaching and non-teaching staff from/to 7 partner countries outside Europe - Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia.
1st Call JAMIES 2023 for Students, Teaching and non-Teaching Staff:
Results can be consulted HERE
List of Non-Selected, Reserve List and Selected Applicants can be consulted HERE
Application Documents can be consulted
<- click here
JAMIES 2023-2026 has a total of 59 scholarships/grants:
- 24 scholarships for students;
- 35 grants for teaching and/or trainning mobility
For more information please consult the Application Guide.
Financial Support
Between 10 and 99 km |
20 EUR per participant
Between 100 and 499 km |
180 EUR per participant
Between 500 and 1999 km |
275 EUR
per participant |
Between 2000 and 2999 km |
360 EUR
per participant |
Between 3000 and 3999 km |
530 EUR
per participant |
Between 4000 and 7999 km |
820 EUR
per participant
8000 km or more
1500 EUR
per participant |
(To verify your travel distance, please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/distance-calculator_en)
Stay Allowance
Student Mobility
Mobility periods: 4 or 5 months
From JAMIES to the partner countries:
700 EUR/month From the partner countries to JAMIES:
850 EUR/month
Staff Mobility (Teaching and Non-Teaching)
Mobility periods: 5 days + 2 travel days
per diem
amount for Staff:
From JAMIES to the partner countries:
180 EUR/day
From the partner countries to JAMIES:
160 EUR/day
Every selected applicant will receive a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period provided by the JAMIES project..
Academic Offer
The academic offer of the five Portuguese HE Institutions can be consulted here
Institutions and Contacts
Please consult the list of Institutions here
Results 1st Call JAMIES 2022 for Students, Teaching and non-Teaching Staff: Results of the 1st Call JAMIES 2022 and List of Non-Selected, Reserve List and Selected Applicants
Results 1st Call JAMIES 2020 for Students, Teaching and non-Teaching Staff: https://cutt.ly/yme5KE7
Results 1st Call JAMIES 2019 for Students, Teaching and non-Teaching Staff: https://bit.ly/2YeloXV
Results 1st Call JAMIES 2018 for Students, Teaching and non-Teaching Staff: https://bit.ly/2vxVkHY