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Portal Académico

Academic Portal

Academic Management
Portal Académico > EN > Academic Management

Academic Management

The Academic Management Services is responsible for managing the administrative processes related to the access, enrollment, path and school performance of the University's students, namely proceeding with the administrative organization of the registrations and the issuing of certificates and diplomas, as well as providing assistance to students on the campuses of Gualtar (Braga ) and Azurém (Guimarães).

In addition to the on-site, telephone and email services, the Academic Services provide a range of information and services via the Academic Portal, which can be accessed by using the login and password provided upon registration and enrolment, namely:
- Access to Electronic Desk, where it is possible to:
   > Register and enrol in academic year and in exams (special examination period and grade improvement);
   >Submit and monitor requests (e.g. change personal information, issue certificates and declarations, payment of Students’ Union membership fee, obtain working student status, cancel enrolment, information and other requests);
   >Insert activities eligible for the Certificate Supplement;
   >Request and pay for access to parking spaces;
   >Access to the electronic board.
- Access to personal (personal and contact details) and academic information (e.g. study plans, grade registers, documents and payments);
- Information on deadlines, procedures and other matters of interest;
- Forms;
- Academic calendar and examination period;
- School schedules.

Students should peruse the Academic Regulation (RAUM);
Students should regularly verify the Academic Calendar and Academic Portal;
Students should preferably use the Electronic Desk when submitting requests to the Academic Services

Useful contacts (here)