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Portal Académico

Academic Portal

School Insurance

 School Insurance

UMinho subscribed with Lusitânia, Companhia de Seguros, S.A. the school personal accident insurance. The insurance is valid for the academic year in which the student enrolls, being the respective amount paid upon registration and taking effect immediately. Only duly enrolled students are covered by insurance.


Purpose of the insurance
Guarantees accident cover for activities inherent to your academic training, from curricular to extracurricular activities, such as study visits, internships and Erasmus. This insurance also covers the practice of sport within the scope of the Academic University Sports Federation (FADU).

Geographical scope
All over the world, taking into account movement to carry out the Erasmus program, curricular and extracurricular internships and other training activities.

Coverage and Capital Insured (per insured person):
Death: €30,500.00
Permanent Disability: €30,500.00
Treatment by accident expenses, medical transport and repatriation of the insured due to accident: €5,000.00
Accident Funeral Expenses: €2,500.00
Student Civil Liability: €5,000.00
Civil Liability of the Educational Establishment: €25,000.00

The student is responsible for formalizing the report of the claim as soon as possible, within a maximum period of 5 days.
The following steps must be followed when reporting a claim:
1) Fill in the reporting form with the following information:
      a) Insured person (claimant); 
      b) Contact details; 
      c) Location of the event; 
      d) Date and time of the claim; 
      e) Detailed description; 
2) Attach medical/police reports and other documentation.
3) Send by email to

Insurance Statement
Requests for the issue of a school insurance declaration must be submitted by email to and must include the following information about the student: 
a) Full name;
b) Email address;
c) Student number;
d) Course;
e) Entity where the internship/dissertation/Erasmus/Erasmus+ program/exchange will take place.

Contacts for additional questions: